Funny experiment: Projection of a substance

1-Why is  this experience or invention useful ? What is its usefulness?
-This experience can calm down the kids because this experience is weird with the content in the bottle wich go out from the bottle,so the superactive children can focus on it  and stay quiet.

2-What are the materials or products used?
The products use are, a spoon, a bottle, baking tray, 3 tbsp warm water, 12% hydrogen peroxide, yeast, food dye, funnel, and washing up liquid.

Can you describe precisely the different steps to achieve the experience or the invention?
First, we take the bottle and put inside the hydrogen peroxide.
Then in the bottle too, we put the food dye with the washing up liquid, and we have to blend.
In another  container, we put the yeast, with the warm water, and with the funnel, we put this blending on the bottle .
4- What are the various difficulties met to achieve the experiment?
This experience can dirty our house because it’s very high when the liquid go out of the bottle and we can’t stop it when we want. And we don’t have surely the products for make this experience.
5- In which fields can we use this experiment? ( Industry, medical field, sports field, environment, everyday life…).
We can use this experiment in everyday life when we are bore, for fun with our friends.
 6- Explain the reasons why you chose this experiment and why it appealed to you?
We chose this because this experiment surprised us because it’s very weird and it appealed to us because we never see that before in the real life,( just on movies).
the video start at 4 minutes 14



  2. Nice for kids ;) It's like a fidget spinner

  3. Too bad there is no video. We can not see what it might look like.

  4. there's no video and you should explain more this experiment

  5. this experiment is very interesting

  6. sarah hinault sarah bressin13 juin 2017 à 07:46

    you've got a very good imagination , good idea

  7. it's very long


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